Saturday, 21 April 2012

Some of the things we will be doing next half term. 

Children will make a moving picture. Children develop 
an understanding of simple mechanisms through 
designing and making moving pictures. These can be 
based on characters or scenes from stories and 
could be designed for use in storytelling activities. 
Children develop their understanding of how 
movement can be created by investigating everyday 
products and making simple levers and sliders from 
given examples.  

Our literacy this half term is 
information texts and recounts. 
We will discuss some of the 
decisions writers make when 
composing texts, and provide 
opportunities for children to do 
the same.  
We will also draw children’s 
attention to the different ways 
people or ideas are represented 
in informational texts.  

Children will learn about 
different sorts of 
movement and how to 
describe these. They 
relate movement to pushes 
and pulls. Experimental and 
investigative work focuses 
on making observations and 
communicating these. 
Children will also have the 
opportunity to relate 
understanding of movement 
to everyday contexts such 
as road safety. 

Children will look at 
similarities and 
differences between toys 
today and toys in the 
past. We will introduce 
children to the concepts 
of 'old' and 'new', and 
encourage them to think 
about the changes in 
their own lives and in 
those of their family or 
adults around them.  

Children will begin to 
explore what it means 
to belong to a religion. 
They will look at some 
Christian stories and 
beliefs. Children will 
look at worship as well 
as religious codes and 

During this half term the children will learn how to use ICT 
to represent information graphically. They learn how to 
create pictograms and how to answer simple questions on the 
data shown in their pictograms. Children will use a graphing 
package to create their work and will learn how to enter data 
correctly and how to use icons.  

Our main Numeracy targets this half term will be 
to know number bonds to 10 and beyond. We will 
look at problem solving and using the concepts of 
money. We will also be learning about capacity.  

What you could do at home: 
 Have a look if you have any old toys to share with your 
child.  Talk about any differences from the toys you 
played with to those your children now have.  
 Look at objects around your house and work out how 
they move. Do you have to push or pull anything to make 
it move? 
 Look at some books or cards with moving parts.